Modelling a BF109 K-4

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Sep 8, 2009
I'm attempting to accurately model a BF109 K-4, but can't seem to gather the necessary information on this particular variant.

I've just found out that numerous changes were made to this variant as time progressed, and I'm wondering how these modifications would have affected the overall look of each plane. What I'm essentially trying to find out is what an early K-4 would look like compared to a later K-4 (one with a DB 605DC engine).

I would also appreciate any links to photos or schematics of real world K-4s, preferably ones mounting 605DC engines. Links to data on surviving airframes would also be helpful.
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In March of 1944 the K-4 was intriduced into asembly lines.The Bf109 variant was powered by Daimler-Benz DB605D engine.
The power unit was used with MW50 boost instalation and was marked as DB 605DM. Because there were two kinds of fuels for the engine, the one that used the C3 fuel of 96 octans was marked D B605DCM and the one for the B4 fuel of 87 octans - DB 605DBM.In external view of the engine cowling looked the same without any differences. Both kinds of the DB engine were equipped with VDM 12159A propeller of 3m in diameter.The oil radiator surface under the engine was enlarged from 0.336 square metre to 0.360 square meter.The radi-set was FuG 16ZY with S 16Z transmitter and E 16ZY receiver.There were K-4s with the masts for the antenna wire but basicly the K-4 was without the one.
Armament consisted of two Rheinmetall-Borsig MG 131s of the calibre 13mm ,300 rounds for MG and Rheinmetall-Borsig Mk 108 cannon of the calibre 30mm ,65 rounds for it. The gunsight Revi 16B with possibility of EZ42 gunsight mounting .
The K-4 could be equipped with aditional sets ( Rustsatz) :

Bf109K-4/R1 - bomb rack ETC 500 IXb or Schloss 503 for one bomb 250Kg or 500Kg
Bf109K-4/R2 - reconnaissance set with the camera Rb 50/30 ( other source says four bomb racks ETC 50 for 50kg or 70lg bombs)
Bf109K-4/R3 - underfuselage rack for the 300 litre additional fuel tank Schloss 503 A-1
Bf109K-4/R4 - two underwing additional Mauser MG 151/20 E 20mm cannons , 135 rounds for each MG.
Bf109K-4/R5 - reconnaissance set with the camera Rb32/7x9 or with two Rb12,5/7x9 cameras mounted in the fuselage.
Bf109K-4/R6 - additional camer ( photogun) BSK16 mounted in the port wing.
Bf109K-4 was equipped with the Erla-Haube cockpit conopy with the armour glass called Galland Panzer.Rectractable tail wheel 350x135mm , the main landing gear wheels of 660/190mm with two-part full wheel bay doors. These inner doors were removed in units very often.Most of K-4s were assembled with the wooden fins and rudders.

Werk Nummmeren for K-4 were 330 000 - 331 000, 331 300 -331 500, 332 000 - 333 000, 333 800 - 334 300, 335 000 - 335 300.
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I hope you will find all what you need in the zip file.


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