I'm hoping they ran the maneuverability tests, came down, changed pilots, and re-ran the tests to account for pilot differences. But, it doesn't so state that.
Also, one pilot may be VERY familiar with one airplane and may have never flown the other one, making turning performnances a bit suspect unless pilot familiarity with the airplane was taken into account when selecting pilots.
I've talked with a guy who said the P-51 was, hands-down, the best fighter of it's time. I also asked him how many difference fighters he had flown, and he had only flown the P-51. But, he had engaged in dissimilar combat with other types and always bested them. Not sure that tran slates into a better airplane or a better pilor, or neither.
Sort of like choosing "the most beautiful woman," which is very dependent both on the observer and possibly on how many clothes she is not wearing at the time.
I doubt the guy in the P-51 above knew the loadout of the opposition during any particular fight, or the experience of the opposing pilot. I don't even know how many dissimilar dogfights he participated in, it never came up. So, the conclusions are murky at best.