Need help ID'ing P-51D(K?) photo

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 6, 2014
United States

Hi all,

The P-51 in the above photo clearly has the Aeroproducts prop fitted to the P-51K series...yet it also appears to lack the dorsal fin extension fitted to all but the earliest P-51D production.

Does anyone know the identity/sub-type of the '51 in the photo? (It would also be good to know when the pic may have been taken.)
The photo looks like it was taken in the U.S.. Either at a Training Base or perhaps the aircraft was being used as a "Test" aircraft.

Were all P-51K-1-NT's delivered with the dorsal fin or could it be an early "D" being tested with the AeroProp propeller?
P-51 Mustang Serials
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Given the clothing of the people, and the lack of any infrastructure or other aircraft around, my money would be on it being in the US for testing. It certainly doesn't strike me as being front-line.
Postwar, most if not all of the P-51D or K's refurbed in the US were fitted with the cuffless Aeroproducts prop. That is why the old Monogram 1/32 F-51D kit has that prop - it was based on looking at an operational airplane. They found that the cuffs used on the Ham Standard props promoted corrosion when water leaked between the prop and the cuff.
The real reason Aero Products props entered production in P-51K series is that Ham Std couldn't meet demand for P-51D orders. With the vibration/balancing issues most K Props in 355th FG were converted to Ham Std in the field.

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