Need help with identification of crash finds

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Charles Green

Aug 22, 2018
Hi all,
I have recently been handed down some relics that were recovered from a British bomber crash and I'm not sure what some of them are, could anyone help? I was told it could have possibly been a Wellington, a Vickers Warwick or a Lancaster. The squashed brass cap says 'ANODE', 'REF No 10A/845'. The mangled round plate has 'A10B' at one side, 'A10C' on the other and potentially 'A10A' where the plate has broken. I was told the pictured brass latch with possibly a release mechanism on the back was resting right next to the incendiary nose weight when it was recovered and wondered if it had anything to do with the straps that held the cluster of incendiaries together? It's tarnished from the heat of the blaze but I can't see any numbers on it other than possibly a large 7 on the back. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks

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