new Diamler-Benz engines?

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Airman 1st Class
Nov 5, 2008
In a small space capsule
Hey everyone,
Just wondering if anyone making parts or castings that comply to the original specs. If not, are there any plans available? I have dreams of building a 109 someday, and having a Merlin somehow just doesn't seem right.

Thanks guys.
I been tryning my self to get drawings for any DB60x engine to make a 3D Cad moddel. But it seems imposible to find a somting useful on the internet. The handbook you usaly find are intresting and so, but they arent that useful when you going to build a engine

But a brand new DB 600 engine would be a nice chrismas gift, speciali if you cold modernize it whit new materials, fulesystem and other things that have improved over the last 60 years.

Best regards
You may be able to modify a Merlin or Allison engie to run inverted so the cowling looks right. The intake would be in the wrong place (rear supercharger instead of side) unless you add extended ducting. As you just want it to look right.

I think the main modifications necessary would be the mounting points and the oil systems. (repositioned oil pump so its right side up and possible other modifications if there isn't proper lubrication for prolong peroids inverted -in many cases oil consumption seems to go up for inverted engines)

The carburetor shouldn't be a problem as those used on the V-1710 and all US Merlins (plus later British merlins) used pressure injection carburetors which operate independent of their orientation to gravity. (basicly the same type of system as single point fuel injection or Throttle Body Injection -GM terminology-)

It should be noted that RR actually did sucessful tests on an inverted Merlin but the Air Ministry turned it down.

You may also actually be ably to find a DB engine in working or restorable condition; a Jumo 211 engine may also be a possibility.

And if you're really set on getting your own 109, reproducing one (in full scale) from scratch will be quite an acheivement, extremely difficult and expensive. (you'll need the blueprins for the entire airframe as well as proper materials and tools/machines) Fabricating an engine from scratch will alo be exceptionally difficult, even with the money and resourses.

A more realistic possibility would be finding an existing 109 airframe and restoring it (probably with some modifications). There do still seem to be some such airframes in existance in moderate (well below display, often gutted) condition, that may still be structuraly sound. I believe there were some examples of this on a thread earlier in the year on abandoned aircraft.

Edit, found it:
Hey Guys,

Look at the FW 190D that Flugwerk of Germany built. The engine is really an inverted Allison from my understanding, but there are much more complicated factors such as the reduction gears and such. In all, it looks pretty darn convincing from the outside. There is even a You Tube film of it being started using a hand cranked inertial starter.

- Ivan.
I almost forgot to mention:

I believe Flugwerk also builds components for Me 109s. I am not sure they are capable of a complete airframe, but I expect they will be at some point.

- Ivan.

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