New Info CD set

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Airman 1st Class
May 28, 2008
Trentham, Victoria, AU
Hampshire County Council (UK) have just issued a two CD set called, "Piston Aero-Engines of the Great War"
CD 1 contains ten items of British engines - reports, manuals etc.
CD 2 contains twelve items of German engines.
Reproduction quality is very good.
Can be ordered from
Do you have this CD set? The Farnborough Library Aviation Collection sounds very interesting. Have you ever been there?
Yes, I do have a copy of this CD set. It is quite good. I particularly liked the Manual on the Galloway "Atlantic" V-12 of 1918 - a most interesting engine.
No, I have never been to Farnborough.


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Hey Jerry,

what other manuals are on the cd? Thanks!

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