North American A-36

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definiely A-36 Mustang. Could be near Muroc based on landscape.
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whats the difference between a-36 and mustang?
As Dave mentioned, the A-36 is a Mustang - not Apache. Primary differences were a.) Dive Brakes - actually a Vultee design, b.) armament layout, first to install 2x50 cal (only) in each wing, c.) pitot tube - 'boom' type extending from right wing, the only Mustang with that type pitot tube, and d.) Allison V-1710-81 (vs 1710-39) engine. The A-36 was very fast up to 5000 feet.

Other minor differences included landing light variation in left wing and it was the first Mustang designed with wing pylons for either bombs or fuel tanks plus the plumbing in the wing to feed the engine.

The prototype, a NA-83 Mutang I AM118 was also a test bed for various 20mm combinations, leading to the NA-91 Mustang IA - as well as the new 3 adjustment throw (10, 12 & 15 degree) ailerons that were first incorporated in P-51B-1-NA'

Not forgetting the other major change introduced on the A-36A from the NA-73 & NA-83 Mustang I and NA-91 P-51 Mustang/Mustang IA before it of the introduction of the redesigned fixed air intake for the underslung radiator assembly, whereas the earlier versions had the moveable 'alligator mouth' ramp. Also had the different shape and profile propellor blade compared to the earlier 3, slightly wider carburettor air duct above the nose with the associated internal air filter assembly and changes to the radiator assembly design and configuration within the radiator doghouse.

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