North American P-64

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It was a single seat AT-6 / SNJ and was not superior to the P-36 OR the P-35.

I think it would have made a good fighter-trainer and have seen one fly many times in Arizona, where at least two were created by converting AT-6's. I even flew in formation with one once in the back seat of an AT-6. They could cruise with the better WWII fighters, but were hopelessly outclassed when the P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51 etc, added power to reach for the upper end of their performance envelopes.

The P-64 cockpit was single seat and the wings were shortened a bit from the AT-6. It was a "hotter" ship than the AT-6, but was no first-line fighter though, in the absence of first-line fighters, it probably would make a good aircraft for back areas or remote theater where little first-line opposition was expected. It was and is relaible and rugged, just had performance more in line with the early to mid 1930's than the 1940's.
As the others have said, it is basically the AT-6 structure with the 600 hp R-1340 taken out and old model (G series NOT G100 or G200) 870hp R-1820 put in. Please note that 1100-1200hp R-1820s were available when this plane was built so the deliberate selection of the lower powered engine may mean a lot.





So the last two plans (the ones with yellow cabins) are not correct. Miranda's is ok, the lowest profiles (from the Sqd signal) also have errors. Namely, the biggest difference (apart engine, and tail that is 😉) between the NA-50 and the NA-64 is the wings - more precisely the angle, ie the arrow of the outer part.
A little more illustration on. ..
NA 50/68 (P 64) - the true shapes questions (reliable drawing needed)
The only NA-50 (have seen one) and P-64s (have seen two) I have seen were conversions and had, basically, the same wing as the donor airplanes (NA-26 and NA-68) except for cutting off an outer bay, shortening the ailerons, different engine and propeller, and mods to the fuselage and canopy. Both had fake guns installed. So, the trailing edges were basically stock as far out as the wing went.

All three were high-quality work and looked factory-fresh.

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