Over banking and crashing, what was the intended maneuver?

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I admit that the Stirling is my favorite British bomber, followed by the Lanc.

Third place would be...the...


Did I mention that I like the Stirling?
Well, Murray Peden liked the Stirling. He said it was hobbled by the wings which (according to Peden) had been shortened so it could fit in a hangers of the day.

This isn't the thread to comment on bomber rankings, so I won't be drawn in.

Well, Murray Peden liked the Stirling. He said it was hobbled by the wings which (according to Peden) had been shortened so it could fit in a hangers of the day.

Its wingspan was not short so it could fit in hangars of the day. That's a myth that has been perpetuated through time because of repetition. The Air Ministry introduced the span restriction in the specification (B.12/36) to prevent size and weight creep. The specification even stipulates that the aircraft should be able to be maintained outdoors, and at the time the biggest RAF hangars had spans exceeding 100 feet, so hangar door width was not an issue.

This isn't the thread to comment on bomber rankings, so I won't be drawn in.

Aww, where's the fun in that? Just joking, Jim...

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