Hello everyone, I am new to this site and found it very interesting... so much information. I am looking to buy a P-38 belly tank to build a hot rod and race it in bonneville. If anyone knows of one for sale I would appreciate any information. Also I live in CA, the closer the better.
Thanks all.
Welcome and good luck mate....gentlemen, here we're talking REAL hot rodding! 8)
Can't help you with the tank mate, but welcome to the forum!
chambies, welcome to the forum.
Hate to say it, but the "drop tank" lakesters are few and far between these days.
If you were to find a vintage drop tank, it's value as a historical peice would make you think twice about wanting to make a bonneville or muroc hot-rod.
They are making reproductions though, prehaps this would be a bit more affordable, and easier to find
p-38 Belly Tank, WW ll Drop Tank Shell, Mark ll Drop Tank Shells
Welcome to the forum, Chamblies.... Good luck on your search.