P-38 Design Analysis

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
I see that someone has posted some info on the P-38 from the Aug 1944 issue of Aviation Magazine. I assume this is the Design analysis, and I sure thought that I had posted it back when I posted the others that I have but I cannot find it on this website. In any case, here it is. I also have a higher resolution versions scanned directly from a paper copy of the magazine in case someone wants something specific. I am also including a rather poor quality copy of an Aviation article on the P-38 production line.
Not that I know of. But they did build an ECM version of it, with an electronic warfare operator in the nose.
It is not PDF but .BMP Perhaps that other one is PDF and high res? Have not looked at it.

I just found that the website will not let me post the individual high res pages scanned from the paper copy of the magazine. So I guess that settles that.
kind of interesting that Timken was big on this. they made roller bearings. other than the wheels for the landing gear i can't thing of too many other things on the ac would be roller bearings. i have never run into those doing engine, transmission, etc work. roller bearing tend to need to be "loaded". while i was in the auto parts biz that was the main and pretty much only reason i sold rollers...maybe flyboyj has seen them elsewhere.
It seems that you didn't post the 3rd image of the design analysis article.
That would be P-38DesignAnal-3, pages 126 & 127 of the article.

The same is true of the production line article - this time the image title is P-38Line-04, but again pages 126 & 127 of the article.

Otherwise - great stuff! Thanks.
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