P-38 Design Analysis

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
I see that someone has posted some info on the P-38 from the Aug 1944 issue of Aviation Magazine. I assume this is the Design analysis, and I sure thought that I had posted it back when I posted the others that I have but I cannot find it on this website. In any case, here it is. I also have a higher resolution versions scanned directly from a paper copy of the magazine in case someone wants something specific. I am also including a rather poor quality copy of an Aviation article on the P-38 production line.
It is not PDF but .BMP Perhaps that other one is PDF and high res? Have not looked at it.

I just found that the website will not let me post the individual high res pages scanned from the paper copy of the magazine. So I guess that settles that.
kind of interesting that Timken was big on this. they made roller bearings. other than the wheels for the landing gear i can't thing of too many other things on the ac would be roller bearings. i have never run into those doing engine, transmission, etc work. roller bearing tend to need to be "loaded". while i was in the auto parts biz that was the main and pretty much only reason i sold rollers...maybe flyboyj has seen them elsewhere.
It seems that you didn't post the 3rd image of the design analysis article.
That would be P-38DesignAnal-3, pages 126 & 127 of the article.

The same is true of the production line article - this time the image title is P-38Line-04, but again pages 126 & 127 of the article.

Otherwise - great stuff! Thanks.
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