P-38 Diving Characteristics Report

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Jan 17, 2021
Does anyone have a copy of:
C. L., Johnson, "A Study of the Diving Characteristics of the Lockheed P-38 Airplane," Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Rep No 2646, May 8, 1942.
Not exactly what you're after and you might have it already, but I have:

Investigation of Tail Buffeting Conditions on Lockheed P.38 Airplane
including Appendix I - Investigation of Dive Characteristics of the YP-38 Airplane
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Report No. 2414 February 1942


R.A.E. Comments on Reports of Flight Trials of Lockheed P.38 aircraft. (5638 - Ae. 1931)
March 1942
Can I get copies of these?
Can these be posted here?

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