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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
Note that all three of those photos show similar rectangular gray objects to the Right side of the pilot and to the rear. It does not look like any radio gear I am aware of.
Perhaps the other side of it?
Could be, but what is it? It pretty much has to be flat, like a sign because it is tucked between the backrest and the window, and the photo tends to confirm that. I can imagine aircraft on patrol and interception duty having a signboard with which to communicate with intercepted aircraft.

By the way, that is an SCR-522 VHF radio so that picture is not from a very early timeframe.

Looks like a shot from a comic book, except it is real.
That was my original thought -- Comic books. I heard all P-38 pilots took their comic book collections from base to base.
Very interesting comparison between the colored photo & the b+w. What makes it really intriguing is the colored photo & b+w photo shows the (same?) P-38 in almost the exact position relative to the camera ship & the clipboard itself is also in the exact same position.

However, aside from the markings missing on the top port wing, the colored picture shows the pilot in his combat gear & the b+w photo shows the pilot in what appears to be in his civvies.

Crazy things….

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