P-39 vs P-40

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According to the work of Christopher Shores, the claims made by Anabuki "seem to be somewhat lacking in veracity", to put it diplomatically.

Yeah, based on Christopher Shores you can say the same thing about all of the German "experten" and most of the British & American Aces too. Overclaiming by a factor of 2-4 was very common & not neccessarily due to any kind of dishonesty on the part of the pilot.
Anabuki (and to a certain extent the entire 50th Sentai) is a different case in this regard. There are way too many red flags and it seems to be deliberate.
Ki-43 pilots never engaged TBD Devastators or SB2U Vindicators.
You sure about that? They were deployed all over- Malaya, East Indies, Philippines, New Guinea, the Solomons, Japanese Home Islands (of course) and etc.
Quite sure. The SB2U only saw combat at Midway. JNAF aircraft only in that fight. Same for TBDs at Midway, Wake, Makin,and Kwajalein.

Ki 43s never shot down Typhoons, therefore Typhoons were better than Hurricanes, F4Fs, P-39s and P-40s....

As mentioned, the Ki-43 never engaged Vindicators and Devastators. They were operated by the JAAF, not the IJN
Yeah I didn't realize how briefly Vindicators and Devastators were employed, I thought maybe some saw combat with IJA fighters at Coral Sea etc.

I would therefore include Dauntlesses on the victim list but they were not so hapless. They were dauntless! lol
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Yeah I didn't realize how briefly Vindicators and Devastators were employed, I thought maybe some saw combat with IJA fighters at Coral Sea etc.
You mean IJN? I'd bet dollars to donuts there were no Ki-43s close to the Coral Sea
I would therefore include Dauntlesses on the victim list but they were not so hapless. They were dauntless! lol

Ki-43s fought SBDs over Guadalcanal.
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Quite sure. The SB2U only saw combat at Midway. JNAF aircraft only in that fight. Same for TBDs at Midway, Wake, Makin,and Kwajalein.
I think that is correct, though I am unsure if any Dutch vindicators or RNAS were deployed to the CBI or ABDA operational areas. There may also have been a few very similar A-17s deployed with the thai air force
There isn't any indication that any Northrup A-17s made it to the CBI (British naming convention: Nomad Mk.I) though the British and Canadians did use them as trainers. The Dutch A-17s remained in the Netherlands and were destroyed by the Luftwaffe during the invasion.

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