P-47 D Rudder Pedal rigging

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Mar 4, 2016
I hope this is the correct area to ask for this info. I have searched with no luck. I am looking for good pictures and ideally a good 3D drawing of the rudder pedal rigging pullies that are just under the seat. I know the rigging goes from the pedals through these pullies under the seat and back but I can not find good drawings and or pictures of them. Any help wold be appreciated.
James Knaus
See if this helps. The first drawing shows the pulley under the seat, (red arrow), on the left side. The right side is the same. The second drawing shows an overhead view of the cables/pulleys. The two red arrows point to the pulleys under the seat.
And here is a shot of the actual pulley in place. The caption reads: "This pulley guides the rudder cable past the right side of the pilot's seat. There is another pulley and cable on the left side as well."
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Thank you very very much. Thats exactly what I was hoping for. I have searched and maybe not used the correct search parameters, but this is awesome. Again thank you.
James Knaus
You're welcome. You will find members of this forum to be quite helpful whenever you need info or have a question answered. Very resourceful group here.

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