P-51 Tech Manuals Super Post

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These are all repair manuals for the P-51 and F-51 from the 1940's and 1950's. Enjoy! Keith

Hi SuperKeith
I have just added some P-51 stuff to my collection and as soon as I have finished the A-20 repair manual and posted that I will add what I can complete.
01-60JF-1 P-51H POH (1945-01-30 Rev 45-02-15) - NOT complete and I have not yet worked out what pages are missing
01-60JE-2 P-51 E&M (44-12-20 Rev 45-02-05) MISSING pages 1/2 and 173/174 and used as a child's scribble pad (lots of cleanup @#$% it but at least it is nearly all regular black pencil - red still shows on scans even when not visible).
01-60JE-2 P-51 E&M (44-12-20 Rev 45-04-30) MISSING title page and page A, otherwise appears complete
01-60JE-4 P-51 Parts (45-03-10) appears complete
01-60JE-4 P-51 Parts photocopy 1944 (still in the mail - condition unknown)
Most of the odd manuals you posted - I will compare mine and post if mine is a better copy
If you have any of the missing pages from the two -2's can you please post or PM them so I can complete those documents
I am still looking for a 01-60JD-3 Structural repair
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