P-51D rear seat / floor?

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
I am looking for pictures of the rear seat, radio area. As well I am searching for the mounting of pilots seat without the armor plating. Is the same type pilots seat used? the one I had ridden in we didn't use parachutes! We were gonna go with the plane, he said. I thought I had something, but it seams to have gone south on me, can't find them. I'm doing Merlins Magic in 1/48th and want to make the cockpit as current as I can as it races at Reno, #22. I did the nose art on it years ago. The website for the plane is interesting, see what it looks like when oxy bottles explode. Fortunately it happened on the ground filling up! I hope someone has something, I don't have access to anything close by and can't find anything on google. cheers, Bill
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