Parafrag Racks for A-20 and B-25

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Jan 24, 2017
Woodstock, GA
Greetings all! I've just spend a wonderful couple hours digging through this amazing site - thanks to each and every one of you for the expertise and depth of understanding you've shown!

I am doing some research on the use of parafrag bombs in the PTO, as delivered by both the A-20 and B-25. There is a tremendous amount of material on the bombs themselves, along with their delivery and employment.

What seems to be missing though, in every reference I've found, is detailed photos or drawings of the internal racks used to carry them in the A-20 and B-25. Nada.

Text descriptions in plenty, but no drawings or photos that show how they worked, or how they were loaded/carried or integrated with the rest of the ordnance delivery systems.

I have located one photo of the A-20 "honeycomb" rack, looking up into the bay bomb bay, in William Wolf's excellent book on the A-20:

I've also found an oblique view into a loaded B-25 with what appears to be a similar loading (accounting for the much larger bay on the B-25):

Has anyone seen other photos, drawings, manuals or whathaveyou that show either this "Honeycomb" load, or the related "Squirrel Cage" rack that Pappy Gunn developed for the B-25 (carried 40 parafrags in ten stacks of four, stacked nose-to-tail)? Any assistance would be deeply appreciated!

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