Piasecki Aircraft and helicopters

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 2, 2011
Johannesburg, South Africa
It looks as though Piasecki was very much "first" with a lot of things.

However, the helicopter designs (in my eyes) are the most ugly I have seen in a very long time. Some of them crashed and others started to have a life of their own.

The question is: were they a serious contender or were they just "bleading edge". Did they really contribute to anything prior to being bought out by Boeing? Did Boeing bring some stability and "proper" engineering to the table?

There is a wonderful picture of the Piasecki HRP without its fabric skin. Transformers!

Thanks Wiki.
His designs led directly to the CH-46 and CH-47. Both of these aircraft have been operational since the early 60`s, with the CH-47 still being produced today. While not aesthetically pleasing, the twin rotor design allows all of the power to be used for lift. With a traditional helicopter, part of the power is used for the tail rotor to counteract the torque of the main rotor.

A design from Frank Piasecki was a total disaster in the 80`s. This was the "Helistat". It was a blimp with four H-34 helicopters attached, intended for use in the forest industry. It came apart on the ground after a test flight due to ground resonance, killing the pilot. The project was cancelled after this. In a bit of irony, this took place a half mile from where the Hindenburg crashed.

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