So Much For Helicopters

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
From AWeek:

"The Army National Guard on Feb. 27 announced a stand-down of all helicopter units following two crashes of Boeing AH-64D Apaches within two weeks, the second stand-down of these units within a year. The stand-down went into effect the previous day,"

Also the US Army has decided to cancel the $2 Billion program to replace the OH-58 and appears to be planning on using drones.
Sensible decision.
I have been wondering when/if what we are seeing in UKR would sink in.

And they already bought the UH-72 for missions where there supposedly is no shooting going on. Of course that inevitably means the Lakota will get into combat anyway. The HUMMV was not heavily armored to start out with, either.

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