Pickering War Weekend

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TEC- neat, wish i could be there. can you take pics?

Mike I wont be going this year with family commitments but I was there last year and it was good, the steam railway adds to the atmosphere. the re enactment was good with a german half track and various others. Its worth a visit.

My mother went who used to live in Pickering during the war. She said actually in the war there was nothing happening because all the men and many women were away fighting, working in factories or re building bombed cities.
Wish I'd known earlier, I could have popped in to see my brother in Wetherby, then gone on to Pickering. Love that last pic on the BBC page - "Don't tell him your name Pike!"
Wish I'd known earlier, I could have popped in to see my brother in Wetherby, then gone on to Pickering. Love that last pic on the BBC page - "Don't tell him your name Pike!"

Its a regular event and gets bigger each year always about this time of year.
Thanks, I'll see if I can get there next year.


I dont know where you live (I dont go in for personal details on the net) but there are quite a few interesting places in the region anyway like eden camp and the yorkshire air museum near york links below there was a lot of activity around there in the war but none in the town (my mother says)

Eden Camp Modern History Theme Museum
Yorkshire Air Museum ? Yorkshire Air Museum and Allied Air Forces Memorial

As a boy my uncle took me to where the army were training before D Day you can still see the track marks made by the bren carriers as if they did it last year. As soon as the soldiers left they planted a forest so the marks will be there for donkeys ears it really is wierd to see.
I live in Cheshire, but I'm from Co Durham, and know the area very well. Spent a lot of time on the Army Training Areas in North Yorks, and have visited most of the airfields, both active and WW2. Also have friends in various places, and relatives in Wetherby. Used to get to the area every two weeks or so on business, but now 'retired' due to disability. Been planning to visit YAM with karl (rochie) for ages, and hope to make it soon - maybe we can meet up, and make it a mini ww2 aircraft .net outing !!

Airframes my uncle was in the RAf but was also an amateur historian he showed me all the local monuments in North Yorkshire there are relics from the pre historic kildale caves, roman camps at crawthorne and roman roads at goathland, roman saxon churches like St Gregorys minster Norman castles and abbeys Reivaulx Helmsley Pickering casle and church that is apart from WWi and WW2 remains.

It would be nice to meet up but today I was contacted about a new contract in a place in France, from wiki the only thing I have discovered is they have had a cricket team since 1994 so its a really buzziing place.

I will keep in touch, today i actually asked my mother about the war she told me there was a plane crash in Kirkby Misperton which I cant find in records she cant forget it because everyone was hoping the school had been hit (she was 13 yrs old LMAO)
Looks like a great weekend event. and it reminds me of the time we got stuck in huge traffic jam outside Pickering, something to do with Traction Engine Rally, was only going shopping for our dinner from Kirbymoorside . Decided to turn off main road and headed over the moor to Grosmont where caught this train and headed down the line to Pickering, we had just enough time to buy our dinner (sausages and some vegetables if I recall correctly) and a quick look round, then hopped back onto the train on it's return ride to Grosmount, then into the car and back to Kirby. It was an adventurous days shopping.

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