Pratt and Whitney R2800 B-Series

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Dec 15, 2012
Pratt and Whitney R2800 B-Series

Hi, I have a Pratt and Whitney R2800 B-Series engine, its been overhauled and looks brand new.its been worked on and cherished by owner who has completed 4 previously projects also lots of photos of work carried out,if this engine was for sale where would be the place to advertise and at what price. thanks
also clutch/propeller and other parts.
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yes it has log books and history, its been started i havent the paperwork infront of me to know the hours
just picked up the carb, Exhibition trailer, and what looks like another engine in bits,i've changed my mind about putting it up for sale and i think i'll get it running and on display.May need some help, so i'll be in touch also i'll put up some photos.thanks
Very Impressive. There's also an impressive book worth having on the R-2800, written by Graham White , which provides a great deal of detail on the design, construction and components of the various R-2800s. Reading it I can say, for example, that the ignition system uses the GE "turtleback" combined magneto/distributor units, with the simplified tubular harness...
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I thought it was only an engine it turned out to be a full package which included, trailer,carb,prop and lots of spares and a manual.
I'll take some pic's of trailer its a nice bit of kit.

Aozora, thanks for the info on the book.
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Hi, Everyone just to give you an update been in talks with local company for advice about engine,it turns out they have the contract for the Battle of Britain and have many engines there working on,they are also intrestered in buying the b series for there project.
I'll let you know how i get on.

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