PT-17 parts manual wanted

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Senior Airman
PT-17 parts manual wanted. I found some parts at a PT-17 crash site from 1943 and I want to ID them.
found Inspection cover with hinge, Part number 75-1260-3
I would like to know where part is located on aircraft
Any help is appreciated
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Thanks! thats it. I was able to ID the part using the manual. It is the door assembly for the Aileron Idler Inspection.

PT-17 serial #41-25421, crashed Sept 11, 1942, 10 miles North of Thunderbird II Airfield, Arizona. The Pilot, Frank A. Atkins, 24 years old was within two weeks of completing training when he was killed. There were no witnesses to the crash, but investigators believed the pilot bailed out at a very low altitude after he failed in his attempt to recover from a spin.


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