R-2600-10 two stage engine images??

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Airman 1st Class
Nov 20, 2008
Does anyone have images / drawings of the showing the accessory / blower section of the Wright R-2600-10 engine?

Several references indicate this engine, in the first two prototype Grumman F6F fighters (the XF6F-1), was a two stage supercharged engine.

I was interested how Wright arranged a two stage supercharger.


We have good detail on how P&W arranged their two stage supercharged engines thanks to Graham White's definitive books on P&W's R-2800 and R-4360

Hopefully someone will produce a book or books of similar scale on Wrights WWII era and post war radial engines.

there are some tantalizing references to two stage systems for the R-2600, both mechanical and turbo, but none made it into production. Or at least were made in more than handful or two.

I agree, A book on the Wright R-2600 and R-3350 would be most interesting.

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