RAF vs Me 262

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Senior Airman
Oct 17, 2009
Studying one of my favourite warbirds the Hawker Fury, I read recently that Peter Carmichael's kill of a MiG 15 over Korea was "the only ever recorded victory of a British piston-engined fighter vs a jet fighter".

Is this true? Are there no RAF kills vs Me 262s?
On the other side of the coin the claimed victories by the Me262 over the RAF are:

Mosquito - 31
Spitfire - 7
Lancaster - 25
Halifax - 1
Tempest - 1

and of all things a PBY Catalina on 31 Mar 1945 by I/JG7
Here are the RAF Claims over the Jets are as posted below:


  • RAF JET KILLS - Copy.jpg
    434.5 KB · Views: 322
RAF claims are about 30 with almost double that damaged. it again are claims that is all, the LW is also just claims discount Welters fantasies about all the Mossies he shot down at night except for possibly up to 6 or so then you may have a true picture of LW kills. the US A/F fg's claimed upwards of 100 which may be pretty close. JG 7's entirety of 450-500 cannot be believed as there are about 250 possibly recorded although not all confirmed 100 %.
The count I have for LW claims are:

EKDO = 20
Notwotny = 34
Lechfeld = 1
NJG11 = 23
KG54 = 39
EJG2 = 19
JG7 = 267
KG51 = 1
JV44 = 31

This is for a total of 435

From "The Me262 Storm Bird" by Heaton Lewis
The Unit - Dates - Pilot for the Mosquito claims are:

Ekdo 262 26 July 1944 Lt Schreiber
Ekdo 262 8 Aug 1944 Feldwebel Weber
Ekdo 262 26 Aug 1944 Oberfeldwebel Reckers
Ekdo 262 6 Sept 1944 Oberfeldwebel Gobel
Ekdo 262 14 Sept 1944 Lt Weber
Ekdo 262 18 Sept 1944 Lt Weber
Ekdo Lechfeld 13 Oct 1944 Pilot Unknown
III/JG7 26 Nov 1944 Lt Muller
III/JG7 29 Dec 1944 Oberfeldwebel Buttner
III/JG7 29 Dec 1944 Oberfeldwebel Baudach
10/NJG11 2 Jan 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 5 Jan 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 10 Jan 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 20 Feb 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 20 Feb 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 20 Feb 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 21 Mar 1945 (night) Feldwebel Becker
10/NJG11 23 Mar 1945 (night) Feldwebel Becker
10/NJG11 24 Mar 1945 (night) Feldwebel Becker
10/NJG11 24 Mar 1945 (night) Feldwebel Becker
10/NJG11 27 Mar 1945 (night) Feldwebel Becker
10/NJG11 27 Mar 1945 (night) Oblt Lamm
10/NJG11 27 Mar 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 27 Mar 1945 (night) Lt Czypionka
1/JG7 30 Mar 1945 Feldwebel Geithhovel
10/NJG11 30 Mar 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 30 Mar 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 30 Mar 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 30 Mar 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 31 Mar 1945 (night) Feldwebel Becker
10/NJG11 3 Apr 1945 (night) Oblt Welter
10/NJG11 14 Apr 1945 (night) Oblt Welter

I can see why Kurt wouldn't be your all time favorite skeeter whacker.
Krieg keep the Mossie list to yourself as it is all wrong when it comes to Kommado Welter. believe me since I am writing a book about the unit that the victory claims are all wrong . Two members you list did have more than 1 mosquito to there credit, and in fact in one operational case we have brought back the pilot of the LSNF Mossie and the LW jet pilot together.
I can see why Kurt wouldn't be your all time favorite skeeter whacker.

Because,as Erich alluded to,he consistently made claims when either no Mosquitos were lost or there were none operating within 100 miles of him.

Franz von Werra has been described as "the greatest liar of the Jagdwaffe" but there are plenty,including Welter,vying for that title.


Welter died after the war in a freak accident when some logs from a train broke loose and crushed his car...........wood's revenge? ( I won't be like Welter, I borrowed that from another forum)

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