Range of CR.42AS with 2×100kg bombs?

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Senior Airman
Feb 16, 2019
Does anyone have information on the range of the CR.42AS carrying a pair of 100kg bombs?

Any other detailed range information on the variants appreciated.
From a couple of different Italian documents

Most of the CR.42 models had 460L of fuel. At least one model had 560L of fuel. I have not found mention of any drop tank use.
CR.42_______460L______780 km with ~110L reserve_____350L main + 110L reserve tank
CR.42_______560L_____1015 km with ~110L reserve_____350L main + 100L long range +110L reserve tank

Both of the above ranges are for standard clean airframes - not the AS model - at 345 km/hr at 6,000 m, with a fuel usage of 112 kg/hr (~152L/hr).

NOTE: In the document the fuel usage is actually listed as 112 kg/hr for both aircraft instead of 152L/hr. The Italians seemed to use a weight of 0.74 kg/liter, or 6.17 lbs/USgal for their 87 grade fuel, so 112 kg/hr works out to 152L/hr.

The other documents use different speeds and/or altitudes (mostly 5,500 m), so it is difficult to exactly compare with the above, but they seem to be in the same ballpark. I do not know if 345 km/hr is the best Vcruise for range or not.
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Could the CR.42 take off with a pair of 100 kg bombs and the 110L reserve tank full? What about with both the reserve and long-range tanks full?

I imagine that cruising speed with a pair of the heavy bombs was slower than 345 km/hr.
Most of the CR.42 models had 460L of fuel. At least one model had 560L of fuel. I have not found mention of any drop tank use.
CR.42_______460L______780 km with ~110L reserve_____350L main + 110L reserve tank
CR.42_______560L_____1015 km with ~110L reserve_____350L main + 100L long range +110L reserve tank

I do not know if 345 km/hr is the best Vcruise for range or not.

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