Let's not forget an old adage about Republic aircraft. Later, when the F-105 was being built, it was suggested that if someone made a runway that went all the way around the work and joined itself, Republic would build an aircraft that couldn't take off from it on a hot day.
The old Thud would take every bit of 9000+ feet to get airborne when loaded to its maximum weight. Me thinks the P-47N was much the same.
In point of fact, the F-105's maximum weight was determined by the nosegear retraction hydraulic pump. It didn't have the poower to retract the nosewheel against the airflow if the airspeed was greater than 225 mph, so the max weight that could be carried and still retract the nosegear after liftoff was the limit! Go figure!
The old Thud would take every bit of 9000+ feet to get airborne when loaded to its maximum weight. Me thinks the P-47N was much the same.
In point of fact, the F-105's maximum weight was determined by the nosegear retraction hydraulic pump. It didn't have the poower to retract the nosewheel against the airflow if the airspeed was greater than 225 mph, so the max weight that could be carried and still retract the nosegear after liftoff was the limit! Go figure!