Request for information - Japanese Air Forces in Burma, 1943-44

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Jul 22, 2019
Greetings! First post for me here. I did a search and found a lot of interesting information, but none that answered my question. So:

Can anybody point me to books, individuals, web sites, or any other information on what air forces were fielded by the Japanese in Burma/India in 1943/1944? I am interested in units, aircraft types, and combat records.

This is for personal reasons. My great uncle was in a B-25D that was shot down in Burma on 10 Dec 1943. I (and my other relatives) are developing an emerging picture of the circumstances of his death, but we'd like to know more. Any help is appreciated.
From Christopher Shores' "Air War for Burma" Volume III:

Twenty-five more Ki 43s, this time from the 50th Sentai had made a number of sweeps around the Sumprabum area. The main body of the 1st Chutai reported encountering six transports identified as DC-3s, together with a P-40 and a P-51. Three of the transports were claimed shot down as were the two fighters. However, following this combat the Chutai leader's section was delayed in departing, and was jumped by fighters identified as P-51s. 2/Lt Toshino Yamashita's aircraft was set on fire, but he was able to extinguish the flames and return to base, but Wt Off Oshima was lost.
US records indicate that on one occasion during December four Troop Carrier Command C-47s were lost to fighters, as was a B-25. As this was the only day on which substantial claims against Dakota-type transports is known to have made by Japanese fighters, it would appear to have been that day.
On December 10 1943, 25 Ki-43s of the 50th flight squadron of IJAAF shot down 4 US transport planes and a bomber B-25 which were on the way to China in Burma. Corporal Yoshio Maekawa and his friends shot down the B-25 flown by Captain Porter. This had been Maekawa's revenge as he lost his sister during the Doolittle Raid.

[Original text]
1943年12月10日、ビルマ戦線(ビルマ航空戦)にて陸軍航空部隊飛行第50戦隊の一式戦「隼」25機は、中国へ補給物資を空中輸送している輸送機4機とともにアメリカ陸軍航空軍のB-25 1機(捜索救助飛行隊ポーター大尉機)を確実撃墜したが、このB-25協同撃墜者の一人である前川美雄伍長はドーリットル空襲で姉を亡くした人物であり、この撃墜は「姉の仇」となっている。

Source: ドーリットル空襲 - Wikipedia

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