Does anyone know, is it possible to get old Accident Reports from Boeing for McDonnell Douglas mishaps? Aircraft that were still bailed to the manufacturer…? Not yet delivered to a Service or handed back.
I asked this same question for old North American Aviation accidents (Vigilantes still with NAA) on a different forum, no luck.
Do they have a willing Historian?
I was curious about this one (and a few others):
RF-4C Phantom 63-7740. Don't know why they had retained this one as late as '68.
13 Sep 1968
Mid-air with F-4M XV395 RAF (which apparently landed safe but was lost in a crash almost exactly a year later?).
The news articles say nothing about a mid-air.
McDonnell Douglas production test pilot C. D. Pilcher ejected safe. Joseph Harbour (Guy In Back?) was still in it and did not survive. (EDIT, Harbour was probably in front)
Crashed 7 miles S of Route 66 (now 44?).
Do they retain and release old manufacturer accident reports ever?