Polikarpov I-16 type 29
The I-16 was developed in Polikarpov design bureau in 1932 and after 1934 it was build in increasing numbers on 39-th production plant in Moscow and later on 21-st plant in Nizhny Novgorod. The serial production continued until 1941.
Highly rear balanced (more than 30%) the I-16 was unstable in flight which at this time was considered normal and even desirable for better maneu-verability. This made pilot training rather difficult, however those who could fly the I-16 easily converted to other types.
The 1-16 became the world's first mass-produced fighter — 10292 were built, including the UTI-4, advanced trainer two-seat aircraft. A genius combination of production simplicity and good performance allowed it to remain in service for almost 10 years. The I-16 took part in several wars — in Spain, China, Mongolia, Finland. During the WW II it was employed on Eastern front until 1942 and remained in service with some units until 1945.
1933-1939 FightersDI-6I-15I-15 bisI-153 ChaikaI-16 type 5I-16 type 24 Crew 2 1 1 1 1 1 Year of issue 1937 1934 1937 1939 1936 1940 Dimensions Length, m 7.0 6.1 6.27 6.17 6.07 6.13 Wing span, m 10.0 9.75 10.2 10.0 9.0 9.0 Wing area, m² 25.2 23.55 22.5 22.14 14.54 14.54 Weight, kg: Loaded weight 2038 1390 1700 1765 1590 1882 Powerplant Engine M-25V M-25 M-25V M-62 M-25A M-63 Power, hp 775 640 775 1000 715 1100 Performance Maximum speed, km/h at sea level 334 315 327 364 390 415 at altitude 382 367 379 424 445 470 m 3000 3000 3500 5000 2700 4800 Time to 5000 m, min 9.2 6.2 6.6 5.7 7.4 5.8 Time of turn, sec 11-12 9.0 10.5 13-13.5 14-15 17-18 Service ceiling, m 8300 9800 9300 10700 9100 9900 Service range, km - 550 520 560 540 440 Armament Machine guns 3 2 4 4 2 4