Russian strike missions in ukraine

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Or, perhaps more accurately, "Ukraine isn't the country you thought it was."
I think we might be better off waiting for results before crowing. I know what the Western media are saying, but they also thought the attack on Iraq was a dandy idea two decades ago, told us a certain laptop was "Russian disinformation" more recently, and are busy now swallowing whole many dubious stories being bandied about by the Kiev government. Usually the best assessments of what actually happened during combat are those written well after the shooting stops.
Two completely different situations.

And about the "dubious stories", check in with some of our members who are there, if you have questions about what's going on...

No need to wait to make assessments. Putin's assault has been a disaster from the beginning. It's abundantly clear that his forces are meeting stiffer resistance than they expected. The attacks on civilian infrastructure are about as far from the Kremlin's claims of "precision" targeting as it's possible to get. I don't need the Western media to tell me this stuff...I can see it with my own eyes, based on over 20 years' military experience, including being a qualified targeteer.

I'd be interested to know what you categorize as "Western media"? Is it just American media outlets? The BBC, for example, is doing its own research on various claims regarding the fighting, and they're stating clearly when a claim by either side can't be corroborated. So your own statement about "Western media" is palpably false.

For all its many faults, I'll take the Western media over ANYTHING produced by Kremlin-sanctioned propaganda. At least the Western media has the opportunity to express opinions and help hold political leaders to account. It doesn't work perfectly but I'd rather tolerate those imperfections and work around them (e.g. by reading multiple media producers that have differing political views) than see journalists being arrested for disagreeing with a political leader.

And I will continue to crow loudly for every Ukrainian success and every Russian military and political failure. I hugely respect the Russian people and have no desire to see them suffer. I just want the dictator Putin removed from office and Russian forces removed from Ukraine which is, after all, a sovereign nation.

Agreed 100%.
Being a sovereign nation didn't help Iraq in 2003, or Serbia a few years before.

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