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2012 Forum Fantasy Football Champion
Jan 9, 2007
You guys have come through for me once before so going to try again. looking for details on plane shot down over Belgium. i work in a mental hospital, often we get veterns in with dementia, A recent arrival while seems to be suffering from dementia related to depression, did brighten up when asked about if he was in Army or Airforce. He told me he was in the RCAF from 1940-46. He was a navigator in a halifax from 434 bluenose squadron. He was shot down on his 3rd mission, (said last mission was the longest took him 5 months to get home via Belgium underground.).stated that 3 of the crew got out. He couldn't remeber date this happened so I wonder if someone could dig up details.

His name is Arthur Gordon Stacey.I've looked up history of the squadron they didn't switch to lancasters until dec 44, so my quess would be his plane went down sometime in 1944 possibly around the time of the invasion?

Thanks ahead of time

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