Secret "blue" LB-30 info needed

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Mar 2, 2010
While sorting through and organizing LB-30 documents, etc., for "Consolidated Mess, Vol II: The Glassnoses" I came across a series of communications shown below.

I need some help with more info if at all available. Please, since this is serious research, original documents, their date and source are requested. Any "My grandfather worked on an LB-30..." stories are of interest, but will taken with a HUGE grain of salt. Responses with "I have a document..." but no specific reference will be ignored. No offense meant - unless you are one of those guys that likes to portray himself as an "expert" but never backs up a statement with proof.

Materiel Command
20 September 1943
H. F. MULLINS, Capt. Air Corps

To the Western District Supervisor, Los Angeles, CA

Teletype from the Commanding General, Army Air Forces
"Commanding General Materiel Command
"Attention: Deputy Chief of Staff
"Apparently the Consolidated Company working with the British have established a shuttle plane between San Diego and UK, using an LB-30 which we understand is painted blue but carries neither U.S. nor UK markings. It is known that they have been hauling women and children and making general airline use of this airplane, and it is suggested that the matter be investigated and brought into proper channels, provided authority has not already been issued for such operation. It is understood the airplane belongs to UK, but Consolidated crews are operating the plane. Since the inter-ocean airlines picture is of prime interest to the State Department, it is suggested that this matter be thoroughly checked into and report furnished this office covering authority, contractual arrangement, etc., and any recommendations in connection therewith.


"It is desired that your office make an investigation to obtain the information requested in the above quoted teletype and advise this office immediately.

"Branshaw - Materiel Command"

The following information was forthcoming from the Western Procurement District on September 22, 1943 and forwarded as below:

23 September 1943

James M. Delaney
Major, Air Corps
Asst. Technical Executive

"Consolidated Vultee sales manager Learman made oral agreement with Washington office British Air Commission and Lord Burghley to convert LB-30 to transport type. This airplane has made two trips from Montreal to UK with Consolidated crews. Passenger lists controlled by British Air Commission. It is proposed that this airplane make intermittent trips approximately every two months for the purpose of coordinating maintenance of LB-30's, B-24's and PBY type airplanes. Believe missions have so far been worthwhile for Consolidated Vultee personnel but have no recommendation involving other passengers as this is apparently controlled by British Air Commission. Airplane is owned by UK and is present at San Diego."

To date I have found no more information on what appears to be something of a clandestine operation outside the normal chain of command.

Does anyone have any additional information on this project? For instance, what aircraft was this (registration)? What color "blue" are we talking about - Sea Blue? PRU Blue? Medium Blue? My suspicion is Sea Blue as it would be effective both over the water and over land due its darkness.

Any assistance is appreciated.

Alan Griffith

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