Short Sunderland RCAF 422 squadron

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Fair use guidelines are pretty lenient. The ones most commonly cited are:

For books:
  • In a work greater than ten pages, one chapter or 10% of pages, whichever is the greater (10% of words if electronic source except a computer program or an electronic compilation)
  • More than a reasonable portion - if work is out of print, or not available within a reasonable time at an ordinary commercial price (the availability test).
In general the usage most commonly done here will not get you in trouble. But it is a common curtesy to at least attempt to contact the author for permission. At the very least we must cite the source which you did.
OK. I have saved the links to the images. If you get the permission I'll restore them in the post #19.
Here's an example of the code letters in a colour image. Allow for some alteration in tone, due to the exposure of the original, and reproduction.

Nice Wojtek. I've found 9 photos of 422Sqn. aircraft. Two of them are of 2•U though one has in the caption that the serial number EK581 and gives the squadron as 423 which I believe is an error
Yep.. I found that the 2-U was EK591. However Terry had mentioned it as EK391.
Also I found the two colour shots .... the colour tone of the code letters can be noticed.

The '2 - U' codes are definitely for 422 Sqn.
My reference lists '2-U' as EK391, but in the original of the photo I posted, it's difficult to distinguish if the first number is a '3' or a '5', as shown elsewhere in this thread. Looking closely, it possibly could be a '3'.
Yep.. it was my first impression it was EK591 but the two shots I found were of different quality and didn't make it sure.However the shape of the first digit seen in the bottom enlarged pic suggests the 5.

Yep, I agree. I'll put a note in my book to correct the serial number.

EDIT:- Doh ! Just re-checked the book in question - the serial number is shown as EK591 after all. I need to get new reading glasses !!!
Here is a list of codes and s/n for the photos I've found. Most of the captions state Mk.IIIs and a couple were among Mk.IIIs....

L - DP198
2•U - EK591
2•S - ML778
DG•U - ML874
V - ML883
E - DD873 Now Wiki says this belongs to 461Sqn but their codes were UT
DG•Z - ML884
2•Q - can't make out the s/n

Aeroplane Icons magazine has lists of serial numbers matched to squadrons but my pages are missing so if anyone has a copy............
I have received the following email from Terry Higgins, regarding the posting of the Sunderland profiles.

From:"Aviaeology Editor" <>
To:"Chris Eldridge"
Sent:Wednesday, March 15, 2017 8:54:12 AM
Subject:Re: Forum posting?

Sorry Chris,
I did see your follow-up email but I'm away from home base for a few days so tend to stack some emails for attention at home.
My only conditions to permission are that you acknowledge sources (I.e. Provide the illustrator's name (me in this case), book title, and publisher etc) and are able to provide within your posting a link to the book's page in our eBay shop.

I will edit my posting to reflect Terry's wishes.


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