SM 79 Sparviero - Recent discovery in the Aegean sea

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 16, 2009
Milan, Italy
Hi to all,
an almost intact Sparviero, that belonged to Gruppo Buscaglia of Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana, has been recently discovered 60 meter deep.
If you want to have a look on the wonderful pictures taken on the site, just go to this link
As mentioned in the Italian comment, this bird could be the one that had a forced sea-landing on August 5, 1944.
Sounds interesting Alberto, but can't seem to access the site past the 'Home' page.

Hello Terry,
photos have been posted on 150gct by the famous Italian expert Ferdinando d'Amico and I presume they are of his property, so I post just one as example with the source printed on:
S.79ANRa fil.jpg

To access to the site and see all of them, I think you must register.
The site is of course in Italian, but English is widely understood, if you would like to ask questions on Italian bird history.

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