Somewhat off-topic; does anyone know what this is?

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Senior Airman
Dec 18, 2011
Ran across this one Google Earth view of Davis-Monthan AFB, just East of the active Cargo planes. Strange shape - does anyone know what it is? Thanks in advance, Jim
Ran across this one Google Earth view of Davis-Monthan AFB, just East of the active Cargo planes. Strange shape - does anyone know what it is? Thanks in advance, Jim
View attachment 580447View attachment 580446

Agents K and L will show up shortly with a neuralyzer.

Is that aircraft to the right of the balloon an OV-1? I think the two to its left are A-4s, and the one to the left of that maybe a second OV-1.
How about an advanced drone? I am sure there are many projects operating now,and from the past, that are classified as top secret. I am sure this classification was given to the prototypes of our beloved WW II birds.
That fuselage definitely looks like a RADAR test mockup. I would say "or wind tunnel" but all that's done on computers now.

Remember the movie Cherry 2000?

Let's not go there. BTW, the woman who played Cherry (Pam Gidley) was also in the Twin Peaks movie, "Fire Walk With Me." She died a couple years ago, at age 52.


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