Airman 1st Class
Yes, this is explanation for the short life expectancy, but in normal exploitation. Isn't explanation for damage ratio: 27% wings, 25% tail and tail rods, 20% rear hull, 10% landing gear, 8% propeller. Remaining 10% in my last post.even if the AM-35A and 38 engines had successivly passed the state 100 hours trials, they were soon reduced to 50 hours of TBO (time before overhall) for serial ones. It's also an explanation for the short life expectancy of the early Il-2's.
It seems, but was only for pilot's neck and head. Seat was not protected.It seems that there were a 12mm plate protecting pilor's neck and head, and 5mm partition between the pilot's back and the main tank.
There was only thin wall between the pilot's back and the main tank. Non-armoured.
See attachments. Armoured plates are drawed with thick line.