This 'what if' is based on June 1940 and the retaking of Gibraltar.
Why would Hitler dicker around with Gibraltar/Spain etc in the summer of 1940 when he has the perfect chance to knock Britain out of the war?
Everyone expected Britain's neck to be "wrung like a chicken" and either be invaded or sue for peace. Why would Hitler take his boot off of Britain's neck?
After Mers-el-Kebir it would take very little to get France to ally with Germany. So it's a package deal. When Spain joins the war France is pulled in also.
Not exactly...
There are a number of factors here. France is very concerned about her colonies, and is well aware that Spain Italy have eyes on them. What does France gain from a war?
Britain wouldn't stand a chance in the Mediterranean and Germany is not going to miss an opportunity this good. There would be no Battle of Britain. Instead Germany, Italy and France will spend the fall of 1940 securing the entire Mediterranean coast (less Turkey). out of the Med.
Why wouldn't they stand a chance in the Med?
Germany, Italy (even with Spain France) are still unable to eject the British from Egypt.
Britain may well lose Gibraltar (and likely Malta) but will gain an advantage by seizing tha Canaries and Azores.
If Gibraltar falls there is limited benefit to passage through the straights as Germany has limited naval assets and the Regia Marina is hampered by the lack of fuel.
Any knowledge on the military of Spain duriing WW2?
Was it in any position to support Germany other than as a 'friendly' neutral?
Not really, the costs of both resources and manpower would be huge, compared to the gains
Good stuff you know anything about Spanish troops in USSR?
You say The Canary Islands would have been taken by the British....was this ever planned?
Did the Germans want Spain in the war just for Gib or for more symbolic reasons...
The Canaries would be useful as well, but there was some serious disconnect between what was possible given the naval transport assets the Axis had
I do, but its at home and im not. Will post what I have later today (about 9 hours away).
The spanish Blue Division fought very well in the Novgorod region, but remember they were hand picked, the best that Spain could field.
The Blue Division also include some fanatical Facsists and political opponants of Franco, sending them to the Eastern front was a way to get rid of them
(edit: had a chance to go home and look the British plan for the capture of the Canary Is.
The operation was called Operation Puma, and involved Commando units, Royal Marines regular Army Infantry.
One of the commando units was No 4 Cdo. After returning from Norway, training started for Operation Puma, the occupation of the Canary Islands. The operation was planned following intelligence that Spain was going to join the war on the side of the Axis forces. It was initially scheduled for June 1 1941.
Actually much earlier than that, the British had plans for action against the canaries and Cape Verde (Operation Shrapnel Operation Alloy) from the summer of 1940. There were two RM brigades (101 102) available, with an addtional brigade (103) forming. Occupation of the Azores was also all but certain if the Germans moved into Spain or if Spain became a belligerant.
Operations against the islands off the African coast were so important that RM 102 brigade was held in readiness in Freetown during the summer of '40, ready to move out within 72 hours. This was despite the fact that the British were expect an invasion (Sealion)