I've been digging though threads about the Merlin Mustang's development (both production and lightweights), and I wonder if the P-51B/C/D/K would've been a good interceptor when "flying light"? Namely, loaded with half fuel or enough fuel to handle a Spitfire type interception mission? I did read at a TO weight of 8600 lbs that the XP-51B did do over 450 mph and was capable of a 4800 fpm climb rate (better than the Hawker Tempest), but that was when loaded with enough fuel to go between London and either the German/Dutch boarder or extreme western Germany.
Could a Merlin Mustang flying in "interceptor" trim (equal to or slightly heavier than an Allison Mustang in weight) been a good interceptor by World War II standards? For reference, I've seen mentions of the P-51H in interceptor trim (TO weight of about 8500 lbs) have up to a 6000 fpm climb rate, maybe more. Only planes that I know of that could do better than that were the XP-51F/G LW Mustangs (that were even lighter), and rocket propelled planes like the Me-163. I can't think of any thing that was a fighter that had a prop or a turbojet that could've done better in that period, at least that made it into production.