Spit Mk9 post WW2 unpainted versions

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Feb 17, 2010
Sault Ste Marie
Hello everyone,I'm currently building an Mick Reeves Spit Mk9 and am finishing it with an aluminum metal finish(metal tape).I am looking for sources for photos of1959 Italian Spittys that were all metal.If anyone has any pics to post that would be great.
Thanks Steve.
I have found this one only. It is Mk.IXc in 1948. Source unknown.


  • Italian Spit Mk IX 1948.jpg
    Italian Spit Mk IX 1948.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 174
I reckon Alberto (Al49) will be able to help you there - he's finishing the new Tamiya Spit in this scheme.

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