Well, there really wasn't anything wrong, per se, about the wing design. It simply wasn't designed for the application.
All wings are like springs, some 'springier' than others. In the elastic range the spring returns to original state - when it exceeds elastic and moves to plastic (i.e. going to Ultimate Load from Limit Load) stuff has deflected too much - resulting in permanent structural damage for that group of 'items'
The concern about the Standard Wing from the beginning was about possible control reversal when ailerons were used in really high dive speeds. The design estimate for reversal was IIRC about 580mph but later tests referenced by NACA 868 showed that the P-47C-1 reversed at 565mph when at 400mph there was a 31% reduction in effectiveness in the aileron (indicating wing torsion).. but at the same time the Spit aileron effectives was reduced 65% at 400mph --------> suggesting that the '580mph reversal estimate was perhaps seriously optimistic..
The point is that the wing was less stiff than comparable designs and it was a known fact.
The Clipped wing was much stiffer - hence the dramatically improved roll rate at high speeds over the Mark V and IX..with standard tip design.