Spitfire N3069 photo search

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Senior Airman
Jan 19, 2008
The Netherlands
Hello again,

Since the start of my research regarding the crash of Spitfire PRIB N3069 I'm looking for a photo of this a/c. Spitfire N3069 and N3071 were the first Spits to be converted to recce Spits. I have a few photo's of N3071 but didn't find any of N3069.
This a/c crashed on March 22, 1940 with F/O C.M Wheatley sadly being killed after his parachute failed. We only found some very small rest parts at the crash site of this Spitfire but did collect a large amount of documents regarding this crash....but no photo of N3069.

Maybe someone in this community has the "gold nugget" or can perhaps point me again in a direction in finding one?
Any help is very much appreciated!!!
Attached is a photo I have of the collected wreackage of N3069 with civillians and Dutch soldiers standing next to it taken on March 23, 1940.



  • Wrak N3069_2.JPG
    Wrak N3069_2.JPG
    107.6 KB · Views: 296
Excuse my ignorance in this matter, but what exactly was a PR Spitfire doing over Holland on this date anyway ?

Hi BC,

Long story short....photographic reconnaissance was in it's early stages of development in those days. Spitfires N3069 and N3071 were the first fast and high flying recce a/c to be used. During the month that N3069 was brought down the PDU(Photographic Development Unit) had expanded their activities because they had the Spitfires. And therefor several sorties were flown to gather information on German Ruhr area which is not that far from the Dutch border. Wheatley had followed the river Rhine as reference point and was picked up by radar stationed in the Reichswald Forrest and German border patrols. Wheatley was over Holland when he was intercepted.

Hi Sander,

I cannot help with photos of Spifire N3069, but am very intested in obtaining photographs of Spitfire N3071. My uncle "Snowy" Milne was shot down in this aircraft on the 22nd April 1940. I am preparing family history now notes and have been gathering information to include. Snowy was NZ's 1st POW and one of the longest in captivity.

Spitfire N3069 is an A It is one of the first converted b version were later and had more range.

so its Spitfire PRIA N3069

To Snautzer01:
Spitfires N3069 and 3071 both were delivered October 20, 1939 to Heston. Both a/c were sent to the Royal Aircraft Esteblishment(RAE) at Farnborough after being prepared by Cotton and his ground staff. Spitfire N3071 was the first to be delivered back as a PR IA on October 30, 1939, N3069 followed shortly after. N3071 was converted to a PR IB by the RAE and again delivered to Heston on January 17, 1940. N3069 was delivered as PR IB to Heston a day later.Thus N3069 crashed as a PR IB on March 22, 1940 and therefor I have to disagree with you. (SOURCE: Above All Unseen, Edward Leaf)

To Dennis:
This photo of N3071 is from the book Above all Unseen mentioned above. Your uncle is mentioned aswell in this book.



  • N-3071_small.jpg
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To Snautzer01:
Spitfires N3069 and 3071 both were delivered October 20, 1939 to Heston. Both a/c were sent to the Royal Aircraft Esteblishment(RAE) at Farnborough after being prepared by Cotton and his ground staff. Spitfire N3071 was the first to be delivered back as a PR IA on October 30, 1939, N3069 followed shortly after. N3071 was converted to a PR IB by the RAE and again delivered to Heston on January 17, 1940. N3069 was delivered as PR IB to Heston a day later.Thus N3069 crashed as a PR IB on March 22, 1940 and therefor I have to disagree with you. (SOURCE: Above All Unseen, Edward Leaf)


My sources do not tell about a second adaptation of the airframe of the N3069 and 3071
Sources being The spitfire story alfred price, spitfire at war, alfred price

so thank you for putting this straight.

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