Spitfire XIV with Contra-props

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Yes, it was this one


Converted at the Planes of Fame Museum, or at least it was one of their aircraft.

Maybe GregP could shed soem light on the G-limit?
I think it was greg p, although later spitefuls and seafires had contra props so maybe it was just the shackleton type, after all who cares if a Shackleton cant pull 6 "G" ?
Converted at the Planes of Fame Museum, or at least it was one of their aircraft.

Restorers can approach this issue from two angles. The Shack was powered by two speed single stage Griffon 57s with contra rotating prop gear box set up and the Spit PR.XIX was powered by the two-speed, two-stage Griffon 65 or 66 depending on pressurisation or not. What can and is normally done is the Shack gear box is used or removed, depending on the engine you wish to use. I know of one restorer who, in putting together a static display F.21 used a Griffon 57 and removed the gear box and placed a Griffon 65 gear box in its place, since the original Griffon crank case from the Spitfire had been acquired for a flying Spitfire. If you want the two speed two stage Griffon, but driving a contra rotating propeller, you fit the Griffon 57 rgb.


This is a Griffon 57 from a Shackleton, but with a '66 rgb. Its fitted to this beastie.


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