Stories needed on engine related

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Senior Airman
May 27, 2008
I noticed there is an area for stories in the aircraft sections. I would like to see some war stories and or after war, of engine related matters, like design and operations, overhaul etc. It could be interesting to read.

Thanks all
Well, concerning engines-

My Dad's last command was the ARADMAC (Army Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Center) in Corpus Christi, TX. It wasn't really "maintenance" as this facility could completely re-build or overhaul a complete fixed-wing or helicopter, including engines and airframes. Twelve hundred people worked there, mostly civilians. This is my Dad (left) showing a newly- rebuilt radial engine to another officer. I suspect the engine is from a Dehavilland Beaver (?). He retired in 1962.


  • Dad-ARADMAC 1962.jpg
    Dad-ARADMAC 1962.jpg
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