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I'm building a model for one of my teachers and I was wondering what plane to do. I'm thinking 1/48 and it has to be a British fighter. Any thoughts? My first thoughts were a Spitfire or Tempest, but teh Tempest seems to be little made.


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How simple do you want to make the build?

The Tamiya Spitfire is by far the easiest and quickest to build and is a top kit.

Then you can move to a higher level of parts and detail by doing something Hasegawa...Spitfire, Hurricane, Typhoon? Bit more work to do on a Hasegawa kit.

Tempest...? Eduard I think? a bit rare on the hobby shelves too. Can't say much about this one haven't built one, but it was a limited run kit and possibly not as clean and crisp as Tamiya or Hasegawa, but have seen a couple of models of it and it does look nice!

Over to you Catch!......Don't see too many Hurricanes either...
Yep I agree with Wayne Hurricane models aren't seen often.It would be a good choice.And the Wayne's question is vital because it determinates which kit you will choose.The cost of a kit has huge meaning as well.
Thanks guys! I don't want to go overboard for price, but these days it's hard not to, I don't really care about the difficulty of the build.

Heinz: No, it's not a project, it's just a gift. I had this teacher every year and he was really good.
Thanks guys! I don't want to go overboard for price, but these days it's hard not to, I don't really care about the difficulty of the build.

You are welcome.:D

As far as the price is concerning you can choos one of Euduard or ICM kits.These are of good quality and have the decent price.
I went out to buy one yesterday, but the model shop close to us is closed for the long weekend, and we didn't have enough time to go to another, so it looks like it will have to wait a couple days. It's Victoria Day here.

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