Super glue applicator

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1st Sergeant
May 28, 2009
For years I have applied super glue with a cocktail stick or pin and many times swore when something went wrong. I had heard about making a pin point applicator from a cut down sewing needle but never got around to trying.

Today I was at the supermarket and I spotted a packet of 16 needles for £1.50 so I grabbed them. I have just made the applicator and why didn't I do this year's ago it's brilliant I can put a microscopic dot of glue where I want it.

You just cut the end off the eye and I stuck it in a spare pin vice.

Yeah I've done that before but it gets gummed up pretty quick so you need some debonder to dip it in. Lately I've simply cut a chisel edge into a toothpick and cut a fork into the end. Works just as well and when it gets gummed up I toss it or carve a new end behind the old one.

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