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This is a WW2 German set of compressor maps for a 2 stage supercharger (centirifugal) showing the performance of each stage
and the combined performance. Theses are in Had, adiabatic pressure head (work) in which the total compressor work can be
represented as the work of each stage ADDED. which you can see as its basically 6000+6000=12,000
This does not work for pressure ratio, and needs to be caculated as per the equation I previously posted
(look for "314" which is the impeller tip speed in m/s)
View attachment 535124
I appreciate your posts Callum, I just wish I could understand them. Great stuff.
The actual formula for multiple stage compression is similar to the formula I used to show the pattern of heat rise in the compressed air in my post#94 earlier in this thread:
Ta + T1 - 25 + T2 - TAC = MT
If you substitute P for each T increase , and substitute i for each temperature decrease you get:
Pa + P1p - P1i + P2p - P2i = MP
simplified to
P1e + P2e = MP
Thanks Tomo but my German is good enough to understand the German but my knowledge of fluid dynamics and all the other laws of physics is overloaded, I can however follow the basic principles and find it all interesting.The 1st diagram (Bild 4), says roughly: "supercharger map of the 1st stage of 2-stage blower, calculated per Diagram 1 (Bild 1)".
2nd diagram (Bild 5) says roughly: "supercharger map of the 2nd stage of a 2-stage blower, calculated per Diagram 3 (Bild 3)".
3rd diagram: "supercharger map of a 2-stage blower, calculated per Diagrams 4 and Diagram 5"
(impeller tip speed in m/sec; VL in m^3/sec is the weight of air the blower is 'moving', Had in is blower's work, efficiency is noted being, for example, 0,75 = 75%, or 0.65 = 65%)