Technical DWG for the P40E

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I'm looking for Dwg to build a ¼ scale flying model.
I am drawing the wing at this point because I have the airfoil and the Curtiss P40 plan from 1941.
I also have a lot of Curtiss P40 Dwg but there assembly Dwg and I'm looking for the technical, dimensional Dwg, such as for the tail, both the rudder and elevator section, and the fuselage ordinates as well, but any dimensional Dwg will by greatly appreciated.

I'm looking for Dwg to build a ¼ scale flying model.
I am drawing the wing at this point because I have the airfoil and the Curtiss P40 plan from 1941.

Peter Ewbank has a new drawing for the P-40 wing which is correctly dimensioned. Apparently there has been some variation on this with the various drawings that have been done by others showing the wrong wing tip curvature, including Wylam. This new drawing corrects that.

I understand also that he has new material for the P-40 which is currently being prepared.

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