From what I have read about ADM Tovey , he was like Air Marshall Dowding, doing what was right. Once Bismarck was within air cover, I doubt he would have put KGV into danger from the Luftwaffe. KGV was the only fully operational warship the RN had that could match Bismarck ( PoW still had workers from Cammel Laird on board during the engagement, not all guns were operating) . Given KGV was low on fuel, he would have returned to England, regardless of the Admiralty.
Like Dowding shortly after winning a victory, he was reassigned to a back water billet, in Tovey's case to CinC of the Nore. When Wake-Walker was accused of not be aggressive during the engagement, Tovey defended him and offered to pull down his flag and speak at the inquiry. (From Pursuit by Ludovic Kennedy)